The Adventure Begins

Yes. I missed the Saturday update last week. And technically yesterday. But here I have a hefty update for you. I am adding paintings to the gallery today, and when that is done, my computer is getting packed up, and I am moving across the country.


I am about to begin an adventure across country to take up living in an entire different region, time zone and the whole nine yards. The last week has been a crazy whirl wind of packing and throwing away things. So. Many. Things. I had never lived anywhere longer than I've lived in this apartment in Midtown Kansas City and I had all the stuff living in the same space for seven years could possibly accumulate.


Dan, (my life mate) and I have packed our belongings down to not much more than the bare minimum into my hatchback Volkswagen GTI and we are going on a cross country, super minimal funds, starting it all over real life adventure. Scary. And exciting. And I am no longer a hoarder. GTIs are small.


We are doing this a quickly as possible and have missed saying goodbye to some people, but we do live in 2014. Communication is so much easier these days.


Be sure to follow our adventure here on in it's very own blogspace! I plan to have a bit to write about our adventure daily, even if it does not make it to the web on the daily due to travel. It is likely that all photos will be added at the end of the journey when we get settled in Seattle.


Follow me over on twitter for some not so great psVITA photos, and wish me luck. It's going to be a week.


If you need me, I am following my happiness with my favorite person in the world.
