I have a two of paintings to be posted probably tomorrow. In the meantime, please enjoy this bare bones super early phase Harley Quinn painting I am working on.
Mom's Birthday Update
I added some more "pretty things," to the drawing gallery. Happy birthday, Mom-person. I specifically stuck with trees and shiny things today and strayed away from zombies and blood and gore, except the DZB. DZB is a commitment. I keep my end of commitments. Thanks for checking in, and be sure, as always, to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler to get updates and be reminded regularly that I still exist, and am making art most days.
Space..... an abstract subject for sure.
Saturday Updated: The Second Day of Summer
Weekly zombie bunny follows this text burp.
Working on a lot of paintings, but I'm still open for more commission work. Sorry, but wait times on oil paintings will be longer than usual as the Midwest weather is especially humid right now.
More to come this week: Pastel Series on Hemp Paper, Zombie Bunny every day on Twitter, and a good amount of enthusiasm for my freelance gigs. Expect your non oil paint commissions to come in early this week!
Weekly Zombie Bunny this week is from Sunday. I love baked goods. Especially pineapple free carrot cake.
I've been baking a lot this week
Saturday Update
This week's zombunny is this little inquisitive guy here. I love him so...
If you have a request for a DZB, let me know, and that image will pop up on the internets within 4 days.
Still coming: Not just the fore-mentioned painting that needs its tape removed when dry, but I finished another this morning! The one I finished this morning is on some good ole canvas board, so I will be posting that on Wednesday (it's looking like that is when it will be dry enough to not suffer glare while documenting) .
Also: Keep checking back in the drawing section as I have been trying (for the last week any way) to update that with newness about every two days.
Lastly: As always: Please follow me on Twitter and Like me on Facebook.